Cognitive test
Please read the following brief introduction carefully to the end, because only if you adhere to its guidelines an appropriate assessment of your cognitive functions is possible.
The test will take 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your response speed.
Make sure you have a quiet environment!
You only obtain representative values if you do the test in a quiet environment where nothing distracts your concentration.
Use a suitable device!
In order to read the following questions as good as possible, we recommend using a tablet or mobile phone with a large display in portrait format.
Pay attention!
Please read the following questions carefully and only answer when being sure of the answer. The first answer counts. Subsequent corrections are not possible.
Answer quickly!
Please answer the questions as quickly as possible. The processing time that is required to answer is - among others - part of the calculation of your cognitive resources.
Don't let yourself be confused!
It is an overload test. In other words, it is quite normal that you will not be able to answer all questions correctly and in time. Don't let that unsettle you.
Internalize the process!
The procedure for the test is always the same for the following questions:
You will be asked a question or request that explains the following task. Read them carefully and make sure that you understand the requirements before you move forward - there is no time pressure here. Only after you have tapped "I understand. Next" time is important again, whereas you should then answer the relevant question as quickly as possible. After answering you got as much time as needed again for the explanation of the next task.
You will be asked a question or request that explains the following task. Read them carefully and make sure that you understand the requirements before you move forward - there is no time pressure here. Only after you have tapped "I understand. Next" time is important again, whereas you should then answer the relevant question as quickly as possible. After answering you got as much time as needed again for the explanation of the next task.
Gather concentration!
Please remember the instructions above and after being ready, start the test by tapping the button below.
Start the test!